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22054Oct 12 2004 — edited Oct 15 2004
We need to be able to be able to block all access to our htmldb application on pre-determined days each month. We want to set the values in WWV_FLOWS.FLOW_STATUS and FLOW_UNAVAILABLE_TEXT programmatically. However, it appears that if the values are modified outside the htmldb application builder, the triggers on that table would make our application lose its security_group_id rendering it inaccessible to developers in the application builder.
I was hoping to write a pl/sql procedure in our application schema that would query values from a table periodically to set the flow status and unavailable text. Are there additional API calls I need to include in that pl/sql procedure to setup the htmldb global variables needed to retain the security_group_id?
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Locked on Nov 12 2004
Added on Oct 12 2004