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Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) General Discussion


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Who's Adopting JSRs?

kariannaOct 5 2015 — edited Mar 20 2017

The Grids below indicate which JUGs, individuals and organisations are working (or have worked on) JSRs.

**NOTE: Multiple JUGs, individuals and organisations can and should collaborate on a particular JSR!** There's always plenty of work to do and it can be easily distributed.

Overall List

**36** separate JUGs have already joined!

Belgium JUG, Bucharest JUG, Campinas JUG, CEJUG, Chennai JUG, Chicago JUG, CLOJUG, Cologne JUG, Congo JUG, Detroit JUG, EGJUG, Faso JUG, Guadalajara JUG, GUJavaSC, Houston JUG, Hyderabad JUG, Indonesia JUG, Istanbul JUG, Japan JUG, Java Hellenic User Group, Joglo Semar JUG, Jozi JUG, London Java Community (LJC), Madras JUG, Madrid JUG, MBale JUG, Medellin JUG, Morocco JUG, Netherlands JUG, Peru JUG, Philadelphia JUG, PT.JUG, Silicon Valley JUG, SouJava JUG, Toronto JUG, Ukraine JUG, .


JSRs in progress

These JSRs are currently going through the Java Community Process (JCP) in order to become a ratified standard.

It's a great time to get involved in these early to help shape the future!

<= #340

| JUG/Individual/
| JSR-302
(Safety Critical)
| JSR-333
(Content Repository 2.1)
| | | |

#340 --> #369

| JUG/Individual/
| JSR 362
(Portlet 3.0)
| JSR 363
(Units of Measurement)
| JSR 365
(CDI 2.0)
| JSR 366
(Java EE 8)
| JSR 367
| JSR 368
(JMS 2.1)
| JSR 369
(Servlet 4.0)
| CJUG | | | | JSR 366 | | | |
| Chennai JUG | | JSR 363 | | | | | |
| EGJUG | | JSR 363 | | JSR 366 | JSR 367 | JSR 368 | |
| FASOJUG | | | | | JSR 367 | | |
| Guadalajara JUG | | | | | JSR 367 | | |
| GUJavaSC | | | JSR 365 | | | | JSR 369 |
| Hyderabad JUG | | JSR 363 | | | | | |
| Java Hellenic User Group - JHUG | | | | JSR 366 | | | |
| LJC | | JSR 363 | JSR 365 | JSR 366 | JSR 367 | JSR 368 | |
| MoroccoJUG | | JSR 363 | JSR 365 | | JSR 367 | | JSR 369 |
| Peru JUG | | | | JSR 366 | JSR 367 | | JSR 369 |
| Philly JUG | | | | JSR 366 | | JSR 368 | JSR 369 |
| SouJava | | JSR 363 | | | | | |
| Ukraine JUG | | | | | JSR 367 | | |

>= #370

| JUG/Individual/
| JSR 370
(JAX-RS 2.1)
| JSR 371
(MVC 1.0)
| JSR 372
(JSF 2.3)

JSR 373

(Java EE
Mgmt 2.0)


JSR 374

(JSONP 1.1)


JSR 375

(Java EE


JSR 376



JSR 377

(Desktop / Embedded


JSR 378

(Portlet 3.0 Bridge

for JSF 2.0)


JSR 379

(Java 9)


JSR 380

(Bean Validation 2.0)

| Bucharest JUG | | | | | JSR 374 | | | | | | |
| Detroit JUG | | | | | | | | | | JSR 379 | |
| EGJUG | | JSR 371 | JSR 372 | | | | | | | | |
| Guadalajara JUG | JSR 370 | | | | | | | | | | |
| GUJavaSC | JSR 370 | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | | |
| Japan Java User Group - JJUG | | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | | |
| Java Hellenic User Group - JHUG | | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | | |
| LJC | JSR 370 | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | JSR 379 | |
| Madras JUG | | | | | JSR 374 | | | | | | |
| Medellin JUG | | | | | | | | | | | JSR 380 |
| MoroccoJUG | JSR 370 | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | | |
| Netherlands JUG | | JSR 371 | | | | | | | | JSR 379 | |
| Peru JUG | | JSR 371 | | | JSR 374 | JSR 375 | | | | JSR 379 | |
| Philly JUG | | | | | | JSR 375 | | | | JSR 379 | |

Live JSRs

See - These JSRs are now ratified standards - but there's plenty you can still help with such as educational efforts, working on implementations, helping with the next revision etc.

Closed JSRs


A Note for Spec Leads / EG members

It's very important that any Adopt a JSR efforts are coordinated with with the Spec Leads / EG!

The best way to call for volunteers is to mail the [ members list]. After that, each JUG, individual or organisation in the 'Who Is Adopting JSRs' matrix should ideally join the existing mailing lists etc that the JSR already has in place to co-ordinate work. We've made some suggestions (see What to work on for JSR) as to what work an Adopt a JSR group can work on, but would love to hear more ideas!

Post Details
Added on Oct 5 2015