We upgraded from WebLogic 10.3.x (on JDK 1.6) to WebLogic 14.1.1 on JDK 11.
Now, the WebLogic logs look like
<Sep 27, 2024, 1:55:43 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Version 11.0.24+7-LTS-271 from Oracle Corporation.>
While in the old version it was like:
<Sep 27, 2024 12:08:52 PM CEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Oracle JRockit(R) Version R28.1.4-7-144370-1.6.0_26-20110617-2130-linux-x86_64 from Oracle Corporation>
Why does the new version use this long format? In other languages it is even worse, now it prints “27. sep. 2024” while before it was “13.9.2024”. Both uses default setting.
All this makes the log lines longer and harder to read.
Was this a change in JDK or WebLogic?