we have requirement to route approvals based on cost center i.e. segment2 that to at line level with some threshold amounts. Below is one of the example where we have around 520 unique cost center with authority level upto three levels.
CostCenter PersonNumber AuthorityLevel AmountFrom AmountTo
10001 11512 1 50001
10001 9305 2 5001 50000
10001 11699 3 0 5000
10001 11749 3 0 5000
10002 3250 1 50001
10002 2252 1 50001
10002 4634 1 50001
10002 4424 2 0 50000
10002 10564 2 0 50000
10002 8656 2 0 50000
10002 1371 2 0 50000
Can you please let us know on how to achieve the same.