I have the following JSON structure in my table (column response type BLOB):
"statement_id": "01ef614e",
"status": {
"state": "SUCCEEDED"
"manifest": {
"format": "JSON_ARRAY",
"schema": {
"column_count": 1,
"columns": [
"name": "version",
"type_text": "BIGINT",
"type_name": "LONG",
"position": 2
"total_chunk_count": 1,
"chunks": [
"chunk_index": 0,
"row_offset": 0,
"row_count": 1
"total_row_count": 1,
"truncated": false
"result": {
"chunk_index": 0,
"row_offset": 0,
"row_count": 1,
"data_array": [
Now I would like to select the jobName, jobId, etc. I tried with the following select:
select d.id, jt.*
from db_cc_test d,
( d.response, '$' columns (
nested path '$.result.data_array[*]' columns (
jobname_full path '$[8]'
, nested path '$[8]' columns(
jobName path '$.jobName',
jobID path '$.jobId'
) jt
I'm getting the full object jobname_full, but jobName and jobID are null in the result. How do I get these values in the object as a single result per column?