I am using Oracle I am trying to understand how "SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink" is calculated so that I can determine effect of slower Latency
I am creating a materialized view with the SQL below.
create materialized view test as select * from card@test;
Trace shows:
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink: 2,467
bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink : 710,813,152
consistent gets : 107,449
bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink : 50,820
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client : 2
Number of rows : 8,010,502
Arraysize is 15 and as per the sql net trace SDU is 8192
sqlnet_trc1_24632.trc:(24632) [000001 09-APR-2019 23:01:10:996] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x1, tdu=2097152, sdu=8192
sqlnet_trc1_24632.trc:(24632) [000001 09-APR-2019 23:01:11:547] nsconneg: vsn=315, gbl=0x1, sdu=8192, tdu=2097152
Based on what I read round trip should be (bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink) / SDU but it is not adding up. .
Thanks for you time.