We have a screen in our app that displays all of the existing “Blocking” and “non-blocking” database lockers. It was originally written for Dev6i, and therefore no longer works in Forms 12C with Weblogic. I've been researching for days to try to replace this function with something from WebUtil (which we use in every form) unsuccessfully - All other WebUtil functions we're using work fine.
Most results return the name of the server (instead of the user's machine name), the machine name of the server, etc. I am trying to find a way to rewrite this into something that provides the same output but via WebUtil. Each time I try, it gives me SYSTEM/Server details rather than client details.
as before (as per the code block below) Any suggestions as to how I can migrate this block of code to use WebUtil to return the Oracle Username, OS Username, Client computer name/Client IP address? (Even with the WebUtil functions, it returns Oracle Username: <correct>, OS User: SYSTEM, Client computer name: Weblogic SERVER name, etc.)
(SELECT vs.username oracle_user,
vs.osuser os_user,
vs.machine machine,
objs.object_name object_name,
ROUND (locks.ctime / 60, 2) lock_time_in_minutes,
FROM v$session vs,
v$lock locks,
WHERE locks.id1 = objs.object_id
AND vs.SID = locks.SID
AND objs.owner = tbls.owner
AND tbls.owner = 'ADAM'
AND objs.object_name = tbls.table_name
AND INSTR (tbls.table_name, 'TRN') = 0
AND objs.owner != 'SYS'
AND locks.TYPE = 'TM')