Can anyone help me out with this issue?
In my application i have to convert data from one SRID into another SRID and back.
In DB SRID = 28992 , in application i need SRID: 3857 (mercator) and when saving back to DB then SRID = 28992
If i do this cycle of transformation i see the coordinates are not the same anymore, how can i correct this?
with coord as (
2001, -- SDO\_GTYPE for a point
28992, -- SRID (Spatial Reference System Identifier)
SDO\_POINT\_TYPE(107138.216543195, 400004.383460911, null),
NULL, -- SDO\_ELEM\_INFO\_ARRAY (not used for points)
NULL -- SDO\_ORDINATE\_ARRAY (not used for points)
) rds
select p.rds.sdo_point.x, p.rds.sdo_point.y
,p.mercator.sdo\_point.x, p.mercator.sdo\_point.y
,p.cycle\_rds.sdo\_point.x, p.cycle\_rds.sdo\_point.y
select rds
,sdo\_cs.transform(b.rds,3857) mercator
,sdo\_cs.transform(sdo\_cs.transform(b.rds,3857),28992) cycle\_rds
from coord b
) p;
107138.216543195 400004.383460911 -- srid = rds:28992 start
522821.636810487 6725775.53107731 -- srid=mercator:3857
107138.220951294 400004.385796971 – srid= rds:28992 cycle end, not same as start