I'am trying to upgrade APEX from 23.2 to 24.2.
System Description:
- There is a Master Application that contains the Master Theme settings.
- The Master Theme is subscribed to the Standard Universal Theme 42, with some additional customized components and Theme Roller settings.
- Several Subscribed Applications reference the Master Theme.
The Master App’s Theme Refresh operation completed successfully, upgrading the theme version from 23.2 to 24.2.
Issue: Problems with Subscribed App Updates
The "Verify" operation throws a Subscription Status error: “Current theme does not match master theme.”
- (Presumably because the Master Theme has already been upgraded to 24.2.)
At this point, the APEX_APPLICATION_THEMES view still contains the correct REFERENCE_ID pointing to the Master Theme
After this, the Theme Refresh operation does not work correctly.
- The original "Subscribed to Application Theme: Master App - Universal Theme" setting changes to "Subscribed to Standard Theme: Universal Theme".
- In the APEX_APPLICATION_THEMES view, the REFERENCE_ID has changed and no longer points to the Master Theme, but to the Standard Universal Theme, just like the Master Theme itself.
As a result, the Subscribed Apps lose their reference to the Master Theme. In some places, numeric values appeared in the template references instead of their names.
The affected Subscribed Apps fail to run, displaying the following error message:
Page cannot be displayed
ORA_SQLERRM: ORA-01403: no data found
Location: APEX_240200.WWV_FLOW_THEME
What could be causing this issue? Why do the Subscribed Applications lose their reference to the Master Theme after executing the Theme Refresh?
What can be the solution?
Best regards,
Kalman Viktor