I’ve being digging around the documentation and any of sources on the web I can find, but cant seem to figure out how to have multiple keys. New to OCI and Terraform…
I am able to manual through the web gui and checkbox multiple protection capabilities keys.
Any suggestions or tips? Urls?
Here is snip of the section in my tf file so far
request_protection {
rules {
name = "WAF Protection Policies"
action_name = "return401Response"
protection_capabilities {
#key = "[942270', '9420000', '941140', '9410000', '9320000']"
key = 942270
version = 1
collaborative_action_threshold = 4
example I found with one key: terraform-provider-oci/examples/web_app_firewall/waf_full.tf at master · terraform-providers/terraform-provider-oci · GitHub
terraform doc: Terraform Registry