Hi everyone,
We use substition in a lot of our OIA projects. I am not sure if this worked any different in earlier versions, but in the version we are currently running (24A on premise) I am getting a strange error when substituting a value of an instance attribute whithin the entity collect control of the same instance. I have found a way to work around this problem, but I am not sure why it works and to me it seems a bit illogical.
To illustrate I have made a test project with two different entities (the person and the car).
In both entities I collect a color attribute, the value of which I substitute in some random label in the entity collect. Now, when I do this like this:
I am getting an error saying person_hair_color does not belong to the Global entity. Which, of course, it does not: it belongs to the entity ‘the person’. But I do not understand why this would pose a problem, because I am trying to substitute the value whithin the entity ‘the person’, not in Global.
For ‘the car', I added a container control and I placed the label inside the container, like this:
For some reason, that works. The container control does not have any visibilty rules or properties. It is just a standard out-of-the-box container.
Is this a bug? Or am I missing something here?
Your help is much appreciated!
Best regards, Jonas