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Query Help - Trying to get single date field into Date Range

689401Mar 5 2009 — edited Mar 6 2009

I was wondering if someone could possibly help. I am trying to get the following data in to the format below it via a query.

id group sub-group Value date
1 abc def 10 01-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 02-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 03-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 04-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 05-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 06-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 07-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 08-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 09-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 10-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 11-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 12-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 13-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 14-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 15-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 16-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 17-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 18-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 19-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 20-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 21-jan-2009

I need to query to get this output
id group sub-group value start_date end_date
1 abc def 10 01-jan-2009 09-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 10-jan-2009 15-jan-2009
1 abc def 10 16-jan-2009 19-jan-2009
1 abc def 20 20-jan-2009 21-jan-2009

Any help would be appreciated!

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Post Details
Locked on Apr 3 2009
Added on Mar 5 2009