I'm not sure if it should be filled on apex or ords forum
running apex application on additionnal database configured on ords , it occur only when using friendly URL.
1- trying to fill the address on the browser
will redirect to
https://oy.home.local:8443/ords/r/oy03ws/test/home # fail
2- trying to fill the address on the browser
https://oy.home.local:8443/ords/oy03/r/oy03ws/test/login ## ok …but
Click on login will trigger an http POST
https://oy.home.local:8443/ords/wwv_flow.accept?p_context=test/login/6660259773608 ##
## should be /ords/oy03/wwv_flow.accept instead of /ords/wwv_flow.accept
APEX: 24.1.0
ORDS : 24.3.0.r2620924
DB :
Database pool: default
Setting Value Source
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
database.api.enabled true Global
db.connectionType basic Pool
db.hostname oy00-free Pool
db.password ****** Pool Wallet
db.port 1521 Pool
db.servicename freepdb1 Pool
db.username ORDS_PUBLIC_USER Pool
feature.sdw true Pool
plsql.gateway.mode proxied Pool
restEnabledSql.active true Pool
security.requestValidationFunction ords_util.authorize_plsql_gateway Pool
standalone.doc.root /opt/oracle/ords/config/global/doc_root Global
standalone.https.cert /opt/oracle/scripts/ords.cer Global
standalone.https.cert.key /opt/oracle/scripts/ords.key Global
standalone.https.port 443 Global
standalone.static.path /opt/oracle/ords/images Global
Database pool: oy03
Setting Value Source
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
database.api.enabled true Global
db.connectionType basic Pool
db.hostname oy03-free Pool
db.password ****** Pool Wallet
db.port 1521 Pool
db.servicename freepdb1 Pool
db.username ORDS_PUBLIC_USER Pool
feature.sdw true Pool
plsql.gateway.mode proxied Pool
restEnabledSql.active true Pool
security.requestValidationFunction ords_util.authorize_plsql_gateway Pool
standalone.doc.root /opt/oracle/ords/config/global/doc_root Global
standalone.https.cert /opt/oracle/scripts/ords.cer Global
standalone.https.cert.key /opt/oracle/scripts/ords.key Global
standalone.https.port 443 Global
standalone.static.path /opt/oracle/ords/images Global