I am new to ODI. I am using ODI 12c. I have a target table with PK (ID) and a unique key.
The PK is number generated always as identity. in map, it is active and insert checked.
The unique key formed by compay_id, last_updated_date,end_effective_date,retired_fl.
Both keys described in logical map as
First row in PK. The next rows are UK, except createtime is not part of the UK.
I am using IKM Oracle Incremental Update. I have 4 columns in this table to determine when it created and when it updated. I defined them at first as active and update\insert as
but it failed for
ODI-1228: Task insert AK errors-CKM Oracle- fails on the target connection XXX_DW.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "UPDATED_DATE": invalid identifier
I have to uncheck the insert\update for those column to get the map run.
Appreciate your advice.