Hello All,
We are using R12.1.3.
I am customizing the workflow of PO Requisition workflow generator.
Want to default Charge Account from Requisition Line DFF attribute2.
I am success in passing the static value of ccid as below, but want dynamic value as per the user entered in the PO Requisition lines Attribute2.
x_account := po_wf_util_pkg.GetItemAttrNumber ( itemtype => itemtype, itemkey => itemkey, aname => 'LINE_ATT2');
--x_account is null;
po_wf_util_pkg.SetItemAttrNumber ( itemtype=>itemtype,
avalue=>17114 );--x_account);-- passing static value works fine
can anyone help me how can I set value of dff requisition line attribute2 into LINE_ATT2 attribute in the workflow.
I find like below values are set by oracle, and they get in the code.
x_dest_org_id := wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber ( itemtype => itemtype,
itemkey => itemkey,
Kindly suggest.