OS: Windows Build 10.0.19044
VS Code Version:
Oracle SQL Developer Extension for VSCode Version: 23.4.0
I am running a query that fetches data from an Oracle Database. (version obscured for security reasons).
The query is simple.
702 rows selected
When the query is run using SQLcl it takes 1.3 seconds.
When the query is run using Ctrl-Enter it fetches 100 rows in 25 seconds. Then, when scrolling down, it fetches another 100 rows, but this fetch takes drastically longer: 141 seconds. Any sorting takes equally as long, and resets the fetched rows back to 100. With 300 rows or more, scrolling slows or the query result panel freezes.
When the query is run using Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code Extension, it takes 2 seconds.
Other Extensions:
Better Comments - Aaron Bond
PowerShell - Microsoft
Vim - vscodevim
Is there anything I am doing wrong here? Are there any known performance issues?
It could be related to the following issues:
Slow query, possibly caused by high overhead in the Java back-end - Oracle Forums