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OracleJET data densification 5.1.3 (thru 18.1)

Scott WesleyJan 16 2018 — edited Mar 20 2018

G'day all,

After reading Hilary's comments in these posts, I was a little surprised to find us struggling with data densification behaviour in 5.1.3.

(I was looking forward to not including outer joins to small sets of months)

Oracle APEX 5.1 stacked bar chart

The release notes in both 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 state the following

8.1.4 JET Chart Data Densification

Oracle JET requires that each series of a multi-series chart contains a data point for each label that is represented on the x-axis. Otherwise, the multi-series chart may not render correctly by Oracle JET. Prior to release 5.1.3, the user was required to handle the densification of their data in their chart SQL query to ensure that each series had the same number of data points, even if they were null or zero. Oracle Application Express release 5.1.3 now includes support to automatically fill in gaps, injecting missing data points for multi-series charts.

I created the following tables, where sales is complete for the year, and budget only has data for the last half of the calendar year (lucky it's january)

create table data_sales as

select adD_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'),-rownum) mth, round(dbms_random.value(70,100)) val

from dual connect by level <= 12;

create table data_budget as

select adD_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'),-rownum) mth, round(dbms_random.value(70,100)) val

from dual connect by level <= 6;

select * from data_budget


Then I create region

Region Type: Chart

Type: Line

Time Axis Type: Enabled

And add the SQL for the two series


Here is the result in 5.1.4 - as expected


And in 5.1.3, the months in the second series have been erroneously transposed.


Reversing the series in 5.1.4 is fine, but in 5.1.3 it's... demon spawn.


We certainly need to get our ordering right.

Is the fix in 5.1.3 or 5.1.4?

Or have I missed something.


edit: changed subject to include 18.1

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Post Details
Locked on Apr 17 2018
Added on Jan 16 2018