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Oracle Reports with OID and OAM SSO - REP-56071

rmattOct 31 2024

Hello All,

I'm setting up a new environment.

OS: RHEL8 | Oracle FMW | Forms/Reports | OHS | OID | OAM | DB 19.20

I have Oracle Forms/OHS/OAM/OID/webgate all communicating correctly and SSO is working with RADs going into OPSS. Using WLST I have created a reports tools and server instance. I can navigate to HTTP://host:<ohs port>/reports/rwservlet; however, when I do anything that would require authentication, I get the OAM login but then the error message REP-56071 A security check failed with error message User does not exist in Id Store.

I believe I need to add OID users/groups to the Application role RW_ADINISTRATOR. The problem is when I go to add members the only ones that show up are WebLogic, LCMUser, and OracleSystemUser. None of my OID users are in the list. I have configured OID as a provider under security realms - myrealm and I can see OID users and groups under users and groups in myrealm.

So far I have used WLST to run associateInproccessServer with my OID details. Which ran successfully but still no OID users are listed. My file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rwservlet xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <oidconnection oidcon_url="ldap://" oidcon_passwdkey="csf:reports:oidPasswd_wls_reports" oidcon_appentity="orclApplicationCommonName=wls_reports_ReportsApp,cn=Reports,cn=Products, cn=OracleContext"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<server xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache">
     <property name="cacheSize" value="50"/>
  <engine class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" engLife="50" id="rwEng" maxEngine="1" minEngine="1"/>
  <engine class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl" engLife="50" id="rwURLEng" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0"/>
  <security class="oracle.reports.server.RWJAZNSecurity" id="rwJaznSec"/>
  <security class="oracle.reports.server.RWSecurity" id="rwSec">
     <property name="oidUrl" value="ldap://"/>
     <property name="oidAppEntity" value="orclApplicationCommonName=wls_reports_ReportsApp,cn=Reports,cn=Products, cn=OracleContext"/>
     <property name="oidPasswdKey" value="csf:reports:oidPasswd_wls_reports"/>
  <destination class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.ftp.DesFTP" destype="ftp"/>
  <destination class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.webdav.DesWebDAV" destype="WebDav"/>
  <job engineId="rwEng" jobType="report" securityId="rwJaznSec"/>
  <job engineId="rwURLEng" jobType="rwurl"/>
  <notification class="oracle.reports.server.MailNotify" id="mailNotify">
     <property name="succnotefile" value="succnote.txt"/>
     <property name="failnotefile" value="failnote.txt"/>
  <connection idleTimeOut="15" maxConnect="50"/>
  <queue maxQueueSize="1000"/>
        <proxyServer name="$$Self.proxyHost$$" port="$$Self.proxyPort$$" protocol="all"/>
  <pluginParam value="%MAILSERVER_NAME%" name="mailServer"/>

I'm sure I have missed something simple but I can't see to figure it out and my “googler” is getting sore.


This post has been answered by rmatt on Nov 1 2024
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Added on Oct 31 2024
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