I noticed there is a new version of Oracle Free 23ai for windows (WINDOWS.X64_236000_free.zip), so I tried again a silent installation, but still didn't succeed.
My RSP-File is:
#Do not leave any parameter with empty value
#Install Directory location, username can be replaced with current user
#Database password, All users are set with this password, Remove the value once installation is complete
#If listener port is set to 0, available port will be allocated starting from 1521 automatically
#Specify char set of the database
#Specify the database domain for the db unique name specification
#Specify TRUE for performing software only install
#Specify TRUE if installer should modify directory permissions when ACL is incorrect
I start the setup from cmd.exe (as administrator) with:
setup.exe /s /v"RSP_FILE=FREEInstall.rsp" /v"/L*v setup.log" /v"/qn"
The result is:
- setup ends immediately
- setup.log has many lines, but the most important seems to be line 2020 which says “SEVERE: The provided destination folder has invalid characters. Verify and try again.”
- from line 2021 on, the same line is written to setup.log in an endless loop: “INFO: NO_VALUE”. the size of the log file keeps growing, and i have to kill all instances of msiexec.exe to stop it.
What's going wrong? The only clue is “The provided destination folder has invalid characters”, but I can't find any invalid characters in my destination folder. I tried following variants:
- C:\app\OracleFree
- C:\OracleFree
- also the above with trailing backslash
Any ideas? Has anyone succeeded in doing a silent installation?