Hi. I´m using Forms lastest version and application is being launched in FSAL mode:
start /min "Arrancado configuracion webFIGO FSAL. No cierre esta ventana por favor" java -jar frmsal.jar -url "http://someserver:9001/forms/frmservlet?config=sa_webfigo&clientDPI=105" -t 30000
I´m having issues with the behavoiur of the application regarding editing text items. For example when i select end of line or try to go backward of forward from a certain location, it does not seen to really go to the end of line or go exactly where expected:
For example here end of line is where red dot is:
and here if end of line is pressed it goes to red dot:
I´m, suspecting clientDPI might be the issue, but I have tested with several values and I´m not able to see “normal” behaviour.
Does anyone have a clue on this?
Thanks so much in advance!