Visual Studio Version: Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.12.1
Oracle Developer Tools For Visual Studio 2022 version
I am able to successfully setup a connection to my database in Server Explorer
C# .NET 4.8.1 64 bit (Any CPU) project
Relevant Nuget Packages installed
EntityFramework 6.5.1
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 23.6.1
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework 23.4.0
I then try to add my database first EF context using the Wizard…
1. Right click on my data folder in solution explorer and select Add -→ New Item…
2. Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model and click add
3. Select EF Designer from database and click next
4. Pick the aforementioned database connection, select yes includ ethe sensitive data in the connection string, uncheck save connection settings in app.config, copy of the displayed connection string is below:
metadata=res://*/Data.NrtEntities.csdl|res://*/Data.NrtEntities.ssdl|res://*/Data.NrtEntities.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider connection string="DATA SOURCE=nrtdevhost:1521/nrtdev;TNS_ADMIN=C:\Users\username\Oracle\network\admin;PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;USER ID=username"
5. Clicking Next takes me to a screen that wants me to pick my Entity Framework version (see below). Clicking Next on this screen does nothing, Finish is greyed out. So all I can do is go back to the previous screen or cancel the whole operation. Any ideas? I enabled logging in visual studio and there were no errors in the activity log. No logging at all while the Enitty Data Model Wizard was on those last 2 forms.