Hey all, looking for a little help. Pardon my ignorance and the fact that I am using a very old version of Oracle.
I am trying to authenticate another program against an old oracle 11g database. The program I wrote is in HTML/PHP and interacts fine with the database using php oci8 library. I am trying to authenticate users in a web browser but rather then build a user/pass infrastructure it would be very convenient to just use the existing user/pass credentials in the oracle 11g database (think parasite program that adds features to an old program still being used).
How does it work exactly, in my sys.user$ table I have password (hashed value) and a large hashed value for spare4 column and they all start with S:then_a_long_string.
I assume its some combination of sha1 hash of the password combined with the spare4 hash. Is there any way to easily be able to take the user input password and turn it into the sys.user$ password to compare and authenticate this way?
Thanks for looking, any help is much appreciated.