I am new to oracle jet and it's been a very hard time learning to use it through cookbook and documentation. The reason being that the cookbook contains code that are deprecated.
Currently I am teaching myself the child coreRouter following the demo in the cookbook as in here. ( https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbook.html?component=corerouter&demo=child )
I copied the code into my local development IDE and it does run with no execution error. but the oracle jet helper plugin in VSCode warns me of using "selection" attribute with oj-list-view as it is deprecated and instructs me to use "selected" instead. but, on using selected the code does not work and it displays error "selected.isAddAll is not a function".
Solving this issue would be a little achievement. the most important thing I need from you guys is a guide that I can refer to, to easily grasp oracle jet as a beginner for the latest version.
I have experience with Knockoutjs, requirejs, jquery. I even developed a little toolkit myself which combined these 3 libraries with routing and modular features, but I just came through oracle jet and I found it amazing but the documentation and cookbook ain't a good way for a beginner.
Please guide me.