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New to APEX - Installation APEX 5.0 failure

fxmatzApr 16 2015 — edited Apr 19 2015


I am trying to install APEX 5.0 on Oracle XE 11g and the installation process runs fine.

Then I get the Error from

@apxldimg.sql /home/friedhold/Downloads


. Loading images directory: /home/friedhold/Downloads/apex/images

Directory created.



ERROR at line 1:

ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN failed

No such file or directory

ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 296

ORA-06512: at line 16

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Then in the Browser start I get :

There is a problem with your environment because the Application Express files have not been loaded.

Please verify that you have copied the images directory to your application server as instructed in the Installation Guide.

In addition, please verify that your image prefix path is correct. Your current path is /i/ (it should contain both starting and

ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.

I can not handle this , please help.



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Locked on May 17 2015
Added on Apr 16 2015