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user13117585Sep 21 2024

Hi all,

I have a table similar to an invoice table. Sometime like this:

create table invoices 
  id number(10), 
  creation_date date, 
  classification varchar2(10), 
  origin varchar2(10)
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(1, TO_DATE('02-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'FIN', 'MANUAL');
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(2, TO_DATE('04-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'FIN', 'MANUAL');
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(3, TO_DATE('04-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'HR',  'AUTO');
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(4, TO_DATE('13-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'IT',  'AUTO');
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(5, TO_DATE('13-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'LOG', 'SAP');
insert into invoices(id, creation_date, classification, origin) values(6, TO_DATE('13-09-2024', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'LOG', 'SAP');

I wonder if we could easily have a result per day, classification and origin.

Something like this:

For each day where we have no invoices (like 01/09), I need a record per classification and origin and 0 as count.
And for days were we have an invoice, it needs to be counted.

Tis query provides the result. But maybe there is a better way to do?

WITH get_calendar AS 
   FROM dual
get_class AS (
 SELECT DISTINCT classification FROM invoices
get_origin AS (
 SELECT DISTINCT origin FROM invoices
SELECT, a.classification, o.origin, COUNT( AS count
 FROM get_calendar c 
 CROSS JOIN get_class a
 CROSS JOIN get_origin o
 LEFT JOIN invoices i ON i.creation_date = AND i.classification = a.classification AND i.origin = o.origin
GROUP BY, a.classification, o.origin;

I first created a calendar with all the days and use it as the driven table in my query. Then I extracted the classification and origins and I did a cross join. That returns the total number of records that must be in my result. And, I used that to JOIN with the invoice table.

I returns the result, I get something like this (unsorted but number of records is ok).

----------  --------------  ------  ----- 
01/09/2024             FIN  MANUAL      0
01/09/2024             FIN  AUTO        0
01/09/2024             FIN  SAP         0
01/09/2024              HR  MANUAL      0
01/09/2024              HR  AUTO        0
01/09/2024              HR  SAP         0
01/09/2024              IT  MANUAL      0
01/09/2024              IT  AUTO        0
01/09/2024              IT  SAP         0
01/09/2024             LOG  MANUAL      0
01/09/2024             LOG  AUTO        0
01/09/2024             LOG  SAP         0
02/09/2024             FIN  MANUAL      1
02/09/2024             FIN  AUTO        0
02/09/2024             FIN  SAP         0
02/09/2024              HR  MANUAL      0
02/09/2024              HR  AUTO        0
02/09/2024              HR  SAP         0
02/09/2024              IT  MANUAL      0
02/09/2024              IT  AUTO        0
02/09/2024              IT  SAP         0
02/09/2024             LOG  MANUAL      0
02/09/2024             LOG  AUTO        0
02/09/2024             LOG  SAP         0
04/09/2024             FIN  MANUAL      1
04/09/2024             FIN  AUTO        0
04/09/2024             FIN  SAP         0
04/09/2024              HR  MANUAL      0
04/09/2024              HR  AUTO        1
04/09/2024              HR  SAP         0
04/09/2024              IT  MANUAL      0
04/09/2024              IT  AUTO        0
04/09/2024              IT  SAP         0
04/09/2024             LOG  MANUAL      0
04/09/2024             LOG  AUTO        0
04/09/2024             LOG  SAP         0
13/09/2024             FIN  MANUAL      0
13/09/2024             FIN  AUTO        0
13/09/2024             FIN  SAP         0
13/09/2024              HR  MANUAL      0
13/09/2024              HR  AUTO        0
13/09/2024              HR  SAP         0
13/09/2024              IT  MANUAL      0
13/09/2024              IT  AUTO        1
13/09/2024              IT  SAP         0
13/09/2024             LOG  MANUAL      0
13/09/2024             LOG  AUTO        0
13/09/2024             LOG  SAP         2

Is there a way to do this in a better way? I mean in a more efficient way? I'm on oracle 21c.

This post has been answered by mathguy on Sep 22 2024
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Added on Sep 21 2024