JNDI lookup Failed error while running Sample JMS Application with j2ee1.3
843830Aug 10 2001 — edited Feb 26 2002 I am getting the following error while executing the SimpleQueueSender Application as specified in the tutorial.
The error is :
JNDI lookup failed : javax.naming.NoInitialContextException:Need to specify class name in environment or system property or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.Initial.
I have set the jndi.jar in the classpath.
I have also noticed that J2ee console also shows the following messages:
Binding JMS Cnx Factory :
jms/TopicConnectionFactory,Topic,No properties.
jms/QueueConnectionFactory,Queue,No properties
QueueConnectionFactory,Queue,No properties
TopicConnectionFactory,Topic,No properties
Will someone help me out, If i am missing out something, or am i in a wrong path...