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Issue creating sales orders post lines and update lines

Saullo sAULLOJan 27 2025

The request couldn't be completed because it specifies a value for ship-to party that isn't valid.

SourceTransactionLineNumber 2, SourceScheduleNumber 2: The request couldn't be completed because it specifies a value for ship-to party that isn't valid.

SourceTransactionLineNumber 1, SourceScheduleNumber 1: The request couldn't be completed because it specifies a value for ship-to party that isn't valid.

I am trying to make a call with this body here:

"OrderKey": "300000066303836",

"lines": \[


        "FulfillLineId": 300000066304460,

        "additionalInformation": \[


                "Category": "DOO\_FULFILL\_LINES\_ADD\_INFO",

                "FulfillLineEffBGENERALprivateVO": \[


                        "idEmbarque": 24012025248004,

                        "ajPlateNbr": "MEG01",

                        "ajDriver": "MIGUEL GUZMAN",

                        "ajMetodoTrans": "",

                        "ajDrivId": "",

                        "ajShipTypeId": "LĂ­nea",

                        "fleteInternacional": "4950",

                        "fleteNacional": "1500",

                        "ajSeguro": "547.95",

                        "ajNroPrecintos": "1198386 1198337",

                        "ajNroContn": "CONT248004",

                        "ajShipPartialFlag": null,

                        "ajCarrierId": "DHL TEST",

                        "ajSingleShipFlag": "",

                        "statusPsoft": null,

                        "interfazadoWms": null,

                        "acopiadoWms": null,

                        "recibeSabados": "N",

                        "soloUnPedidoPorOc": "N",

                        "ajShip": "10",

                        "ajShipLateDay": "30"








And I'm having an issue saying that the ship-to party is invalid, but through the Fusion interface, I can create the revision without any problems.

I'm also using the Upsert-Mode = true in the header of this API so that if a line exists, it updates it, but I'm still getting this error. This order has one customer for billing and another for shipping. When I use the same API with the same JSON structure for an order where the billing and shipping customers are the same, it seems to work normally.

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