I use SQLCL to export applications as separate files for source control, etc., into a folder, e.g., f123 for application 123.
I can also use APEX ‘Workspace Utilities/Export’ to export an application as ‘separate files’, creating a ZIP file.
If I unzip the APEX-generated file I ‘seem’ to get the same file structure as that created by SQLCL.
If I zip (or jar) the SQLCL-generated folder, I expect the zip file to be compatible with the APEX-generated one so I can use it to import into another APEX instance.
Instead, I see an error message similar to “Unable to find the file. f123/application/set_environment.sql”
Is what I'm attempting achievable, or are there some ‘magic’ attributes, etc., added to a genuine export file to prevent this from happening?