Hi everyone,
I am using APEX20.2 and I have an interactive grid, based on a view, that looks like :
End user would like to use the Chart option to see graphically the evolution of total over the weeks (w1 : 1022, w2 : 1028, w3 : 1011, …)
But currently there is no “week” columns to put in the label and cannot put the total as value
I should be able to do it with a chart region that I can configure myself but would be good to know if user demand is possible with IG Charts?
More globally is there a complete documention about IG charts? I only found https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/application-express/20.2/aeeug/using-charts-interactive-grid.html#GUID-F02B286A-C05F-434B-8FF1-6A005114E898
But it does not explain all charts types and settings
For example they present the Bar Chart but I didn't found any explanation about below fields settings :
Best regards,