Hi helpers,
i have a function which will get a token. This created token is used to get an api call to get data.
This function is within a package and i have created the values token and expired as package variables.
So the package looks like :
create or replace package token as
token clob;
expire date;
function return_token return clob;
The package body looks like this:
create or replace package body token as
function return_token return clob is
if token is null or expiredate ≤ sysdate then
get\_token with another API call GET
returned xml data and this will get token and expire time.
end if;
return token;
end; --body
This function will be used for a procedure to start an api call like this
procedure get_apidata(p_token in clob) is
do_something with token;
The call for this procedure is
Till yet everything is OK and working.
But now i have 2 (or more) clients, which need different tokens, because they are mandatory.
So i want to change my function to get the client id and save the token for this client.
My new function return_token looks like this:
The package variables are not needed i think and deleted them.
function return_token(pclientid in number) return clob is
local_token clob;
local_expiredate date;
select token,expiredate
into local_token,local_expiredate
from tb_client
where clientid=p_clientid;
if local\_token is null or local\_expiredate ≤ sysdate then
get\_token with another API call GET
returned xml data and this will get token and expire time.
values are stored now in local\_token and local\_expiredate;
update client
set token = local\_token,
expiredate = local\_expiredate
where clientid=p\_clientid;
end if;
return local\_token;
The call to the api_data looks like this:
get_apidata(token.return_token(p_clientid => <clientid>));
But this is not working.
I am getting a timeout while returning the api_data.
I am using the standard utl_http package to start requests.
Any ideas, while the new function is failing ?