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I am facing issue to generate a SO using Oracle FBDI file.

I am facing issue to generate a SO using Oracle FBDI file.

The Error showing below.

"####[2025-01-29T07:46:49.851+00:00] [INFO] Batch Name: Wk03.2025

Source System: null

Order Number: null

Sold To Customer Name: null

Sold To Customer Number: null

createdWithinLastNDays: null

Allow Auto Purge: Y

subBatchName: 10611004-SUB_BATCH-1

####[2025-01-29T07:47:04.760+00:00] [INFO] Number of orders that were imported: 0. Check the run time user interface for processing status.

Number of orders that did not pass validation: 1. Some of these orders may be available in the order entry user interface.

Overall Result : ERROR"

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Added on Jan 29 2025