In what regards to the system configuration and the xstore promotions export related bean shell script files that can be customized, uploaded , imported and deployed into ORCE cloud services.
I found the following information on oracle documentation:
The script files that generate the exports (BeanShell scripts) are defined externally and must then be uploaded to the /upload/system configurations folder where they are automatically moved to the operating environment. Before they take effect, the system configuration file must be edited to reference the new BSH file.
Knowing that the SystemConfiguration.xml file points to a list of .bsh.java filenames containing transforms to perform when exporting a promotion (XstorePromotionExport.bsh.java). This file is linked to another file XstoreDataObjects.bsh.java. So I also performed changes on these two .bsh.java files and need to upload them into ORCE.
On ORCE under System tab , then selecting actions button and upload file I just able to upload SystemConfiguration.xml file.
What about the .bsh.java files ? How can i upload them? Any advice?