Dear All,
I have a query regarding updating PDB name in OCI Console as per dbcli.
My Current Staging Env:
CDB/Unique Name: Orcl_jdx_xest
PDB Name: stg_pdb
My Current Prod Env:
CDB/Unique: orcl_xed_wede
PDB: prd_pdb
My issue is:
We have staging and Production database where we have to refresh staging with Prod data. We chosen, RMAN refresh approach.
Instead of dropping the staging database (as we are doing with RMAN refresh) , we shutdown the database and delete all the files related to Staging database. This way to ensure Unique name will not be changed so that console level will not have any descrepencies.
Changed the DB_Name parameter as per Production and followed the approach of restore controlfile/database/recover.
Now, my situation is , after recvery from dbcli, I can see the PDB name as PRD_PDB under Staging env but when seens from OCI cosole , it's still stg_pdb.
Can anyone let me know how to make this reflected in OCI console as per what DBCLI shows?