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How to trigger changes in Account when Organization Name changes in OIM

Hello everyone,

I have the following case:

An organization in OIM changes only Organization Name. New organization name appears correctly at User page.

Although the organization field from all the user's accounts, remains the old one.

I tried the following three scenarios and nothing worked:

Added ACT_KEY on Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS -> In this case, it gets triggered only when act_key is changed. It does not get triggered when act_name is changed.

Added ACT_NAME on Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS -> Did not work

Added ACT_NAME on Lookup.ACT_PROCESS_TRIGGERS -> Did not work

Does anyone have any solution for this?

How do you trigger the organization field of accounts when user's organization changes?



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Added on Sep 4 2020
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