I’ve been trying to set SELinux to Permissive Mode on my CentOS system. While I’ve found partial answers online, I’m seeking public suggestions to ensure the process is complete and accurate. Here’s the situation:
Using sestatus
, I confirmed that SELinux is enabled and currently in Enforcing Mode.
I attempted to switch SELinux to permissive mode using the following command temporarily:
However, even after running the command, the system remains in enforcing mode.
I also edited the SELinux configuration file located at /etc/selinux/config
to make the changes persistent:
After saving the file, I rechecked the status, but SELinux seems to revert back to enforcing mode without a system reboot.
I came across this guide on disabling SELinux on CentOS 7, which helped clarify the configuration process. However, I’m unsure if additional steps or commands are required to switch SELinux to permissive mode without rebooting the system.
Request for Suggestions:
Can someone confirm if this process is complete or recommend additional steps to ensure SELinux properly transitions to permissive mode without requiring a system reboot?
setenforce 0
SELinux status: enabled
Current mode: enforcing