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Java Security


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How to restrict Signature algorithms from client side in java

user-4m5fbMay 16 2023

By default for TLS 1.3, the offered signature algorithms prefer ECDSA followed by RSA. However, for my java code, I want my client to offer only RSA signature algorithms as part of client hello. How can that be achieved ?

I tried using jdk.tls.client.SignatureSchemes="RSAWITHSHA256,RSAWITHSHA384,RSAWITHSHA512", but the client still presents the following algorithms as part of client hello


How can we achieve restricting ECDSA signature algorithms explicitly in Java client code ?

Tried setting jdk.tls.client.SignatureSchemes="RSAWITHSHA256,RSAWITHSHA384,RSAWITHSHA512" as system property and at runtime, it didnt work for me.

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Added on May 16 2023