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Java and JavaScript in the Database


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How to fetch table column value for navigate to another page in oracle apex?

user-fxkzhSep 11 2023

if i click any option from this dropdown it goes to that page. example if i choose modify means it goes modify page with that corresponding row value. i am using

<select name="Action" onchange="javascript:handleSelect(this)">
<option value="">--SELECT--</option>
<option value="">Authorized</option>
<option value="view-gm">View</option>
<option value="modify-gm">Modify</option>
<option value="delete-gm">Delete</option>
<!-- Add more options as needed -->
function handleSelect(elm)
if(elm.value != ""){
let url = document.URL;
var pathname = new URL(url).pathname;
let array =pathname.split("/");
var newUrl = url.replace(pathname.split('/')[5], elm.value);


</script> for that drop . how to fetch that row value also..

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Added on Sep 11 2023
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