Hi all,
We are implementing list partitions on some of tables, one of the requirement is to drop partitions based on partition_key
Here is the simple structure for example
here partitions are based on service_id
Table one as FK on content_id
Table1 has two partitions and Table -2 has two partitions
now the requirement is to clean up service_id=1 data from both tables
Drop partition on table -1 is (service_id=1) is successful, but while dropping partition on table-2 (service_1) is throwing.
ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
02266. 00000 - "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys"
*Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table with unique or
primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table.
Other operations not allowed are dropping/truncating a partition of a
partitioned table or an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.
*Action: Before performing the above operations the table, disable the

from data perspective there is not FK integrity, only tables having this constraint.
Note - we can not drop that constraint.
Any pointers would be helpful