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How to disable sorting and set width to all columns in IG using the JavaScript Initialization Code

Akil RAug 13 2021 — edited Aug 13 2021
  1. For the sorting, I have used the below code in the Execute When Page Loads section of the page and it works fine
    apex.region("MY_IG_STATIC_ID").call("getViews").grid.view$.grid( "option", "columnSort", false );
    But how can the same be achieved using the JavaScript Initialization Code of the Interactive Grid
    I have tried using the below code but it does not work
    function( config) {
    var colOptions = config.columns;
    for (let i = 0; i < colOptions.length; i++) {
    let isHidden = colOptions[i].isHidden;
    if(!isHidden) {
    colOptions[i].canSort = false;
    return config;
  2. For the Column Width I have used the below code in the Execute When Page Loads section of the page and it works fine. But it slows down the loading of IG because my IG has more number of columns.
    var igView = apex.region("MY_IG_STATIC_ID").call("getViews").grid.view$, colArray = [];
    colArray = igView.grid("getColumns");
    for (i=0; i<colArray.length-1; i++){
    How can the same be achieved using the JavaScript Initialization Code of the Interactive Grid.

@john-snyders-oracle can you please guide on how this can be achieved

This post has been answered by John Snyders-Oracle on Sep 9 2021
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Locked on Feb 4 2025
Added on Aug 13 2021