I am trying to load data from PostgreSQL table with text field to oracle Clob field but it is giving me below error when trying run the mapping
Severity :- Fatal
Issue :- Template parser failed when parsing target expression for task: Create staging (C$) table,
Physical Design: Copy of Map09.Load_opm_events.Physical, mapping: Copy of Map09.Load_opm_events, KM: LKM SQL to Oracle (Built-In).
Error: Error when calling templated method oracle.odi.domain.mapping.generator.GeneratorContext.getAPNodeCreateTableColumnList
caused by: MapPhysicalException: Cannot generate DDL datatype for physical column event.OUTPUT1.outgoing_payload.
Caused by: Cannot generate DDL datatype for physical column event.OUTPUT1.outgoing_payload. at oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MappingUtils.getDdlDataType(MappingUtils.java:1464)
Please can someone share their thoughts.
Thank you