When creating a Rule for an Event in OCI (eg Application Integration -> Events Service -> Rules), or from the CLI as per https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/3.51.0/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/events/rule/create.html, wildcard matching is supported with the asterisk (*) character. But how do I escape (*), so that the condition is looking for a literal "*" and not treating it as a wildcard.
eg, the following rule logic
MATCH event WHERE (eventType EQUALS ANY OF (com.oraclecloud.datasafe.generateauditalert)AND (commandText MATCHES ANY OF (*PHONE_TYPE*,*PHONE_NUMBER*)))
would evaluate to true for any any SELECT statement with PHONE_TYPE or PHONE_NUMBER in the SQL text, but I want the condition to also evaluate to true if there is an "*" in the SQL text, ie "SELECT * from…"