I dropped all tables in the below schema with the purge clause like below.
drop table MYAPPSCHEMA.HRMS_CONTACT_DTL cascade constraints PURGE;
But, I still see some LOBs as shown below. It can't be part of the Job which I retained. Right ?
So, how can I get rid of these LOBs ? When you drop tables, the related LOBs also should get dropped, if I am not mistaken.
SQL> select object_name, object_type, CREATED from dba_objects where owner = 'MYAPPSCHEMA';
------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------
HRMSGT3_WO58654 JOB 20211009 21:39:24
SYS_LOB0000239415C00003$$ LOB 20240115 22:58:10
SYS_LOB0000239415C00005$$ LOB 20240115 22:58:10