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HCM Extract in OTL Changes old mode

Sree29Mar 4 2022


I am trying to create a HCM Extract for time card entries. I want to capture the old and new values for the time entries made in the calculated time card. When I am increasing the timecard entries, the XML getting generated is breaking incorrectly.
The old and new value comparison breakup is not coming correctly.

For example -
If we have an existing time calculation card with regular hours(8) and I increase my hours by 1 hour , then 1 hour of OT is added in the calculated card(in total 9 hours for a date)
When i run the Extract in changes only mode, the old tag for regular is coming as 0 and new as 8
and for OT old tag is coming as 8 and new as 1, although OT old should have been 0.

how can we resolve this ?

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Added on Mar 4 2022
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