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Goldengate Admin Micro Service health checks failing due to certificate errors

Kamal JhaSep 6 2024

2024-08-30T09:05:20.237+0000 INFO | Initialized NZOS environment. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.237+0000 INFO | Initialized NZOS toolkit context. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.237+0000 INFO | Communications security FIPS mode disabled. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.237+0000 INFO | Initialized non-FIPS-140 mode. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.552+0000 INFO | Using configured communications protocol version: '1_2_Or_1_1'. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.552+0000 INFO | Session renegotiation option set to Disabled Renegotiation. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.552+0000 INFO | Cipher-suite negotiation priority set to favor server ordering. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.554+0000 ERROR| NZ-Toolkit error 28791 - Failed to verify a certificate. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.554+0000 ERROR| Unable to install the certificate into the TLS/SSL security context. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.554+0000 ERROR| A certificate or certificate-chain member may have expired or references an invalid issuer. (Thread 17)
2024-08-30T09:05:20.554+0000 ERROR| Handling FncIdNew - context initialization failed (Thread 17)
2024-09-03T08:57:04.568+0000 INFO | Firing stop event. (main)
2024-09-03T08:57:04.744+0000 INFO | Stop event fired. (main)
2024-09-03T08:57:05.041+0000 INFO | Stopping Monitoring Manager (main)
2024-09-03T08:57:06.349+0000 INFO | Stopping network listener... (main)

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Added on Sep 6 2024