I have my apex wallet configured, my web credentials configured, using OAuth2, and my Social Sign-In configured in Apex 20.1
I am able to pull the following profile varaibles correctly:
and put them into application variables with PLSQL:
procedure post_authenticate is
:AD_DISPLAYNAME := apex_json.get_varchar2('displayName');
:AD_FIRSTNAME := apex_json.get_varchar2('givenName');
:AD_LASTNAME := apex_json.get_varchar2('surname');
:AD_EMAIL := apex_json.get_varchar2('mail');
:AD_USERID := apex_json.get_varchar2('onPremisesSamAccountName');
:AD_MOBILEPHONE := apex_json.get_varchar2('mobilePhone');
but I would like to also pull the users profile photo (what shows in outlook and teams)
I've tried several ways but havent been able to get anything to work yet.. any Ideas?