Gantt Chart in P6 Analytics - OBIEE
If you search the web, Oracle KB etc. you may find that Gantt Charts are not supported currently in Analytics. There is however a way to create a basic gantt in OBIEE.
Step 1: Create a new analysis using the 'Activity' Subject Area.
Step 2: In the Criteria tab, add the following columns:
> Project Name (Project/General)
> Year Name; Or Month Name, depending on your preferred starting timescale.
> Total Float (Activity/Durations)
> # of Projects (Fact - Primavera - Activity)
Step 3: Edit Formula of Total FLoat as AVG("Durations - (Activity)"."Total Float") so that the float rolls up from activity level to the project level.
Step 4: Create conditional formats on the '# of Projects' field (Column Properties/Conditional Format)
>Con Format 1 - Add Format when '# of Projects' is NOT NULL, then use background color as GREEN.
>Con Format 2 - Add Format when 'AVG(Total Float) is LESS THAN 0.00, then use background color as RED.
Step 5: Now view results.
Step 6: Create Pivot Table View.
Step 7: Edit the Pivot Table view.
Step 8: Move the fields into the Pivot parts as follows:
>Rows: 'Project Name'
>Columns: 'Year Name; Month Name' whichever you picked.
>Measures: '# of Projects'
>Excluded: 'AVG(Total Float)
Step 9: Click Done at the top of the page to conclude the compound edit complete.
Step 10: Brag that you created a Gantt in P6 Analytics; maybe even remove the '# of Projects' numbers by changing the format, or look at using '# of Activities' in it's place.