Hey guys, good evening.
Well, I build a page with a simple DML CRUD
Initially everything works fines, but I receive a new task to order this column with a specific rule, so I did a procedure and calling it from SQL Command it's work to, but I need to run this procedure after submit, so I create a new process as execute code and call the procedure. All DML still work except the procedure, but I'm learning about APEX, SQL, etc… So I delete the process and change the DML Like this:
Testing like this my procedure works, but DML not, if I edit any register and change something no error occur, but the register don't change on table. So consulting GPT I tried to replicate the target type field as region origin, So I did something like this:
And same behaviour happen, no errors, and don't record changes on table.
I've trying another options like create a trigger to call the procedure or even execute the logic, but the logic update items on same table from the submit and error like this happen:
ORA-04091: Table WKSP_SOLUTIS.DAE_BANNER is mutated; the trigger/function may not be able to find it
I'll paste the procedure to show you a complete overview
p_id_banner NUMBER,
p_ordem NUMBER
) AS
v_id_banner_existente NUMBER;
v_ordem_anterior NUMBER;
SELECT id_banner INTO v_id_banner_existente
FROM dae_banner
WHERE ordem = p_ordem
AND id_banner <> p_id_banner
AND ordem BETWEEN 1 AND 5;
-- Tratamento para quando não encontrar registro
-- Obter a ordem anterior do banner atual
SELECT ordem INTO v_ordem_anterior
FROM dae_banner
WHERE id_banner = p_id_banner;
-- Cenário 1: Troca direta entre posições válidas
IF v_ordem_anterior BETWEEN 1 AND 5 THEN
-- Atualizar o banner que ocupa a nova ordem para a ordem anterior
UPDATE dae_banner
SET ordem = v_ordem_anterior
WHERE id_banner = v_id_banner_existente;
-- Atualizar o banner atual para a nova ordem
UPDATE dae_banner
SET ordem = p_ordem
WHERE id_banner = p_id_banner;
-- Cenário 2: Item com ordem 0 movido para uma posição válida
-- Atualizar o banner atual para a nova ordem
UPDATE dae_banner
SET ordem = p_ordem
WHERE id_banner = p_id_banner;
-- Deslocar os banners subsequentes (1 a 5) para cima
UPDATE dae_banner
SET ordem = ordem + 1
WHERE ordem >= p_ordem AND ordem <= 5 AND id_banner <> p_id_banner;
-- Ajustar valores fora do limite (maior que 5)
UPDATE dae_banner
SET ordem = 9
WHERE ordem > 5;
I'm using APEX 24.1.5, if you guys have some better solution to do this, please teach me how to do it.