I get the following error when running project deploy
. I have debug and verbose flags set but there's nothing to help me track which changelog was being applies when the error occurred. Are there other logs anywhere that could help me track this down.
Thank you
SQL> project deploy -fs artifact/acme-db-qa3-1.0.zip -de -v
REQUIRED FILE: artifact/acme-db-qa3-1.0.zip
DEBUG: true
----- END ARGUMENTS -----
Check database connection...
Extract the file name: acme-db-qa3-1.0
Artifact decompression in progress...
Artifact decompressed: /var/folders/qy/kclx2mqj6gqg8j1c4p401yg80000gn/T/c634d60d-4b74-4d4f-96ff-39909b7fd4521634911400882919320
Starting the migration...
Installing/updating schemas
--Starting Liquibase at 2024-12-24T15:36:53.648780 (version #0 built at 2024-10-31 21:25+0000)
An error has occurred:
The specified table or view did not exist
Migration has been completed
Removing the decompressed artifact: /var/folders/qy/kclx2mqj6gqg8j1c4p401yg80000gn/T/c634d60d-4b74-4d4f-96ff-39909b7fd4521634911400882919320...