Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB
Booting and using 16GB uSD card
OS: Oracle 9.2 for Arm
Contrary to the documentation, SELinux is not enabled by default.
Unable to enable SELinux on Oracle
No matter what value I set for “SELENIX=” in /etc/selinux/config (followed by reboot)
Tried enforcing, permissive and disabled (one at a time, obviously).
<SELENIX=disabled> (This one ALWAYS works! - grin)
On reboot, sestatus reports disabled, for each of the three values
getenforce only reports disabled. Upon trying to change the non-persistent state with setenforce, it just reports that it is disabled and doesn't accept the status change.
getenforce and setenforce
So am I'm missing something? Or can SELinux be enabled in the current 9.2 Arm distro? Or something else?
Any thoughts? Thank you.