I've created an financial report, retrieving YTD_NET for account, by period for the last 3 years e.g 24,23+22 – so next year it will be 25,24,23
to generate dynamic column header, i created 3 page item p7_cy = select extract(year from sysdate) from dual, p7_cy1 = select extract(year from sysdate) -1 from dual and p7_cy2 = select extract(year from sysdate) -2 from dual.
i set the column headers for each year as &P7_CY. YTD_NET, &P7_CY1. YTD_NET and &P7_CY. YTD_NET. when the report loads the columns read correctly 2024 YTD_NET, 2023 YTD_NET and 2022 YTD_NET.
but when i check/uncheck a facet, the report's data refreshes just fine, but all the dynamic column headers just read YTD_NET, the year(s) drop off. if I click the refresh in the browser's menu, they reappear.
is there a way to keep the full column headers, not losing the year, when a facet value is selected or unselected?